Welcome to the Ikenzi-wiki.

  This wiki-style webpage consists of several indexes, each listing various special individuals and entities I've come across in my lives' experiences. If you are able to access the contents of this webpage, then I most likely met an untimely demise, as the information contained here is highly classified.

  Named after the tautonymous Ikenziarhyncus Ikenziarhyncus, a bizarre species of parasite that has odd capabilities, the most notable being psychokinetics. Despite being able to attach itself to human hosts, maintaining the latter's consciousness, an entity is only recognized as an "Ikenzian" if the parasite has full control.

  Before my presumed death, I managed a company which served as a front for operations of dubious legality. I was helped in these endeavors by colleagues who initially became agents due to manipulation, blackmail and other unsavory means, although I believe we've all put these feelings behind us. When creatures and technology far beyond are understanding threaten our lives, no trick is too dirty. That being said, all relevant information on each of my agents is available on the Agents index.

  Besides coworkers and parasitic creatures, curiosities of note are also logged for any insight or clarifications they may offer. The other indexes, however, enter a sort of "Paradox Realm", containing information that I and any other beings living on Earth should have no way of knowing. For my sake, simply suspend your disbelief if you choose to read said pages.

KEEP IN MIND! This webpage is highly unfinished, with lots of placeholder images and text floating around. It's being updated frequently, so if you come back here, who knows what new things await you? Currently, not even the about and contact pages are set up, so if you're interested, you may contact the real author at his discord: "nebulabee"

Regions of Ikenzi